Aachen, 2019:
REPORT of the International Peace Initiative on Syria (IPIS) about the results of the Symposium on: NEW CHANCES FOR PEACE IN SYRIA
Syria before the announced US withdrawal: a new chance for peace?
Vienna April 25-28, 2016:
- Conference on a Future Syrian Constitution
Rojava September, 2015:
- Fact Finding Mission Rojava
Rojava June 12-13, 2015:
- International All-Syrian Assembly for Peace in Syria
Vienna Oct 16-17, 2014:
- Vienna Call for Peacebuilding in Syria
Translations: Arabic - Press declaration Leo Gabriel
Wien 10. März, 2014:
- Pressekonferenz Ergebnisse Syrien-Symposium Schlaining
Vienna March 8-9, 2014:
- All Sides Consultation for a Political Solution Vienna 8-9 March
- Clarification on „Who is behind the Vienna Convention“
- Presseerklärung Syrien-Gespräche Schlaining
- Call All Sides Syrian Civil Society Conference Vienna
Translations: Russian, Arabic - Program for All Sides Syrian Civil Society Conference Vienna.
Translations: Arabic - Brief von Ayman Quhf, Redaktionschef
- Brief von Habib Issa
- Brief von Nasser Al-Ghazali
Vienna March 4th, 2014:
- Erstmals nach Genf in Österreich:
Syrien-Gespräche für einen demokratischen Übergang
Aachen 17. Januar, 2014:
- Diskussion: Ist Syrien noch zu retten?
- Discussion: Is there hope for Syria?
Vienna December 14-16, 2013:
- Syrian Civil Society Conference for a Political Solution Download: CALL FOR A POLITICAL SOLUTION
Translations: Deutsch , Español , Farsi
Wien 22. November, 2013:
- Bischof Toumeh in Wien: Wider den Konfessionalismus
Damascus June 2-8, 2013:
- Damascus Mission Statement june 2013
Translations: Deutsch, Italiano, Español - International Peace Delegation for Syria
- Letter of MP Gehrcke to Syrian government
Translations: deutsch, العربي - Letter from the Nobel Prize laureate for Peace, Adolfo Pérez Esquivel (with English translation)